I’ve taken a long hiatus from the website, but, I will be attempting to start making regular contributions from here on out. I recently had the opportunity to do a lot of reflection on where I’ve been and where I’m going. I decided that I didn’t like where I had ended up, and this entailed a thorough review of how that situation had come about. I’ll be scant on details for some time. Suffice it to say, readers will immediately notice that my topics of interest on this blog from here on out will have transitioned away from video games and returned fully and thoroughly to print literature.
However, before I can fully engage in literary pursuits, I have one notable loose end to tie up. Ten months ago, I enrolled in a Bachelor of Science program in computer science. At the time of this writing, I’m approximately three quarters done with the degree. Executing on coursework will be my primary focus for the next couple of months, but after that’s complete, I plan to:
In the meantime, expect to see weekly/bi-weekly thoughts on topics ranging from computer science to literature to ethics.